500.00 EGP
This course is a comprehensive introduction to AI and Machine Learning, targeting Data Scientists and Machine Learning engineers. It starts with setting the boundaries of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and their relation to Data Science. What is expected as a member an AI team, and how to speak the same language. What is possible and what is not, and what defines a good AI project. The basics of supervised learning are covered, including the main ingredients of the Machine Learning problem, and the different solution setups. We cover both Linear models (Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines (SVM)) and Non-linear models (Polynomial Regression, Kernel SVM, Deep Neural Networks (DNN)). A universal approach is given to tackle any ML problem in a systematic way, covering data preparation, Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), Model selection, Model evaluation, Model design, Fine tuning and Regularization. An end-to-end is given to illustrate this process with code in Google Colab Notebooks. We also cover the Machine Learning Meta algorithms and Ensemble methods: Voting, BAGGing, Boosting Decision Trees and Random Forests. Finally, we introduce unsupervised learning, covering dimensionality reduction algorithms, like Manifold Learning like Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) and Projection methods like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Clustering, like K-Means. Throughout the course, Python language is used. Popular Machine Learning libraries are used, like scikit-learn, in addition to pandas and keras.
Linear Algebra
Traditional programming vs. Statistical learning
AI vs. Machine learning vs. Deep learning
Different ML types: Supervised learning vs. Unsupervised learning vs. Self-supervised learning vs. Reinforcement learning
Linear models: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, SVM
Non-Linear Classifiers: Polynomial Regression, Kernel SVM, Deep Neural Networks
Universal ML process: hyperparameters tuning, Regularization, Overfitting and underfitting
Evaluation protocols: Model Selection, Sampling, CrossValidation, Bootstrapping
Meta-Algorithms: Model Ensembles, Voting, BAGGing, Boosting, DecisionTrees, RandomForests
Unsupervised learning: clustering and dimensionality reduction
Build solid knowledge necessary for data scientists about AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Understand the basics and underlying dynamics of supervised learining models: LinearRegression, LogisiticRegression, SVM, DNN, DecisionTrees and RandomForests.
Get introduced to unsupervised learning approaches for dimensionality reduction and clustering.
Build practical Machine Learning models and pipelines using python, scikit-learn, pandas, keras and tensorflow
Solve practical problems like image classification, text classification, price prediction.
Welcome to our course, Deep Learning for Computer Vision: From Pixels to Semantics. In this course, we will cover three main parts. The first part covers the essentials of traditional computer vision pipeline, and how to deal with images in OpenCV and Pillow libraries, including the image pre-processing pipeline like: thresholding, denoising, blurring, filtering, edge detection, contours...etc. We will build simple apps like Car License Plate Detection (LPD) and activity recogntion. This will lead us to the revolution that deep learning brought to the game of computer vision, turning traditional filters into learnable parameters using Convolution Neural Networks. We will cover all the basics of ConvNets, including the details of the Vanilla architecture for image classification, hyper parameters like kernels, strides, maxpool and feature maps sizes calculations. Beyond the Vanilla architecture, we also cover the state-of-the art ConvNet meta-architectures and design patters, like skip-connnections, Inception, DenseNet...etc. In the second part, we will learn how to use ConvNets to solve practical problems in different situations, with small amount of data, how to use transfer learning and the different scenarios for that, and finally how to debug and visualize the leant kernels in ConvNets. In the last part, we will learn about different CV apps using ConvNets. We will learn about the Encoder-Decoder design pattern. We start by the task of semantic segmentation, where we will build a U-Net architecture from scratch for the Cambridge Video (CAMVID) dataset. Then we will learn about Object Detection, covering both 2-stage and one-shot architectures like SSD and YOLO. Next, we will learn how to deal with the video data using the Spatio-Temporal ConvNet architectures. Finally we will introduce 3D Deep Learning to extend ConvNets usage to deal with 3D data, like LiDAR data.
Linear Algebra
Machine Learning
From traditional Computer Vision to Deep Learning
The basics of ConvNets in Computer Vision
The practical aspects of DL in CV, like data augmentation and transfer learning
ConvNets Architectures and Pre-trained ConvNets
Debugging ConvNets by visualization of ConvNets filters and features
Image Classification
Semantic Segmentation
Object Detection
Video Analysis: Spatio-Temporal Models
3D Deep Learning in Computer Vision
Build solid understanding of Computer vision foundations, using traditional and Deep Learning methods
Deep understanding of Conolutional Neural Networks and their usage in computer vision
Build practical projects with ConvNets, like image classification, multi-object detection and semantic segmentations
Understand and practice the concepts of Transfer Learning in practical problems
Learn how to visualize and debug ConvNets and understand their underlying dynamics in a practical way
Learn how to use and apply data augmentation and how to deal with large and small datasets using ConvNets
Understand the basics of dealing with time and video data using Spatio-temporal models
Understand the basics of 3D Deep Learning and how to deal with 3D data sets
Transformer Networks are the new trend in Deep Learning nowadays. Transformer models have taken the world of NLP by storm since 2017. Since then, they become the mainstream model in almost ALL NLP tasks. Transformers in CV are still lagging, however they started to take over since 2020. We will start by introducing attention and the transformer networks. Since transformers were first introduced in NLP, they are easier to be described with some NLP example first. From there, we will understand the pros and cons of this architecture. Also, we will discuss the importance of unsupervised or semi supervised pre-training for the transformer architectures, discussing Large Scale Language Models (LLM) in brief, like BERT and GPT. This will pave the way to introduce transformers in CV. Here we will try to extend the attention idea into the 2D spatial domain of the image. We will discuss how convolution can be generalized using self attention, within the encoder-decoder meta architecture. We will see how this generic architecture is almost the same in image as in text and NLP, which makes transformers a generic function approximator. We will discuss the channel and spatial attention, local vs. global attention among other topics. In the next three modules, we will discuss the specific networks that solve the big problems in CV: classification, object detection and segmentation. We will discuss Vision Transformer (ViT) from Google, Shifter Window Transformer (SWIN) from Microsoft, Detection Transformer (DETR) from Facebook research, Segmentation Transformer (SETR) and many others. Then we will discuss the application of Transformers in video processing, through Spatio-Temporal Transformers with application to Moving Object Detection, along with Multi-Task Learning setup. Finally, we will show how those pre-trained arcthiectures can be easily applied in practice using the famous Huggingface library using the Pipeline interface.
Practical Machine Learning course
Practical Computer Vision course (ConvNets)
Introduction to NLP course
Overview of Transformer Networks
Transformers in CV
Transformers for image classification
Transformers for object detection
Transformers for semantic segmentation
Huggingface transformers in CV
What are transformer networks?
State of the Art architectures for CV Apps like Image Classification, Semantic Segmentation, Object Detection and Video Processing
Practical application of SoTA architectures like ViT, DETR, SWIN in Huggingface vision transformers
Attention mechanisms as a general Deep Learning idea
Inductive Bias and the landscape of DL models in terms of modeling assumptions
Transformers application in NLP and Machine Translation
Transformers in Computer Vision
Different types of attention in Computer Vision
This course is for AI and ML Engineers, Practitioners and Researchers who already built an awesome Deep Learning model, and they have a great idea for an app. But they discovered that it is not straight forward to deploy their model in a production App. Another example, say you want to build a robot that uses the Camera sensor to perceive the surrounding environment, build a map of it and eventually navigate it. Here also you discover that you still have a long Journey to go after your model is already performing great on your training machine. Finally, Software Engineers, who have their primary job is to build a working system or an app, often find themselves in a situation where they need to integrate an AI model in their software, which happens a lot today with the expansion of AI applications. They might get this model from a research team in their firm or company, or even use an API or pre-trained model on the internet to do their task. We cover all those deployment scenarios, covering the journey from working trained model to an optimized deployed model. Our focus will be on CV deployment mainly. We cover Mobile deployment like on Android devices, Edge deployment on Embedded boards like Rasperry Pi, and Browser deployment where your AI model is running in the browser like Chrome, Edge, Safari or any other browser. Also, we cover server deployment scenarios, which are often found in highly scalable apps and systems with millions of users, and also in industrial scenarios like AI visual inspection in factories. While the course is mostly practical, focusing on “How” things are done and the best way of doing it, we cover also some theoretical parts about the “what” and “why” those techniques are used. This requires sometimes to understand new types of convolution operations that are optimized for speed and memory, or understanding some model compression techniques that makes them suitable for Embedded and Edge deployments, which was not in scope during building the initial model that was already performing great.
Machine Learning Basics, including model building process
Deep learning basics and neural networks training process
Computer vision basics, including ConvNets, transfer learning and pre-trained models architectures
Deep Learning models Deployment Scenarios - Client and Server sides
DL Model compression: Distillation, Pruning and Quantization
Optimized DL models architectures and Sepcial Convolution types
Deployment of DL models on Edge Devices: Mobile – TFLite Android and TFLite Rasperry Pi
Deployment of DL models in the Browser: TFJS
Cloud deployment and Cloud-based APIs: TFHub, TF-API OBB, Torchhub
Model serving in the cloud: Flask, Django and TFServing
Define and understand the different deployment scenarios, being it Edge or Server deployment
Understand the constraints on each deployment scenario
Be able to choose the scenario suitable to your practical case and put the proper system architecture for it
Deploy ML models into Edge and Mobile devices using TLite tools
Deploy ML models into Browsers using TFJS
Define the different model serving qualities and understand their settings for production-level systems
Define the landscape of model serving options and be able to choose the proper one based on the needed qualities
Build a server model that uses Cloud APIs like TFHub, Torchhub or TF-API and customize it on custom data, or even build it from scratch
Serve a model using Flask, Django or TFServing, using custom infrastructure or in the Cloud like AWS EC2 and using Docker containers
Convert different models built in any framework to a common runtime format using ONNX
Understand the full ML development cycle and phases
Be able to define MLOps, model drift and monitoring
Hello and welcome to our course; Reinforcement Learning. Reinforcement Learning is a very exciting and important field of Machine Learning and AI. Some call it the crown jewel of AI. In this course, we will cover all the aspects related to Reinforcement Learning or RL. We will start by defining the RL problem, and compare it to the Supervised Learning problem, and discover the areas of applications where RL can excel. This includes the problem formulation, starting from the very basics to the advanced usage of Deep Learning, leading to the era of Deep Reinforcement Learning. In our journey, we will cover, as usual, both the theoretical and practical aspects, where we will learn how to implement the RL algorithms and apply them to the famous problems using libraries like OpenAI Gym, Keras-RL, TensorFlow Agents or TF-Agents and Stable Baselines. The course is divided into 6 main sections: 1- We start with an introduction to the RL problem definition, mainly comparing it to the Supervised learning problem, and discovering the application domains and the main constituents of an RL problem. We describe here the famous OpenAI Gym environments, which will be our playground when it comes to practical implementation of the algorithms that we learn about. 2- In the second part we discuss the main formulation of an RL problem as a Markov Decision Process or MDP, with simple solution to the most basic problems using Dynamic Programming. 3- After being armed with an understanding of MDP, we move on to explore the solution space of the MDP problem, and what the different solutions beyond DP, which includes model-based and model-free solutions. We will focus in this part on model-free solutions, and defer model-based solutions to the last part. In this part, we describe the Monte-Carlo and Temporal-Difference sampling based methods, including the famous and important Q-learning algorithm, and SARSA. We will describe the practical usage and implementation of Q-learning and SARSA on control tabular maze problems from OpenAI Gym environments. 4- To move beyond simple tabular problems, we will need to learn about function approximation in RL, which leads to the mainstream RL methods today using Deep Learning, or Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). We will describe here the breakthrough algorithm of DeepMind that solved the Atari games and AlphaGO, which is Deep Q-Networks or DQN. We also discuss how we can solve Atari games problems using DQN in practice using Keras-RL and TF-Agents. 5- In the fifth part, we move to Advanced DRL algorithms, mainly under a family called Policy based methods. We discuss here Policy Gradients, DDPG, Actor-Critic, A2C, A3C, TRPO and PPO methods. We also discuss the important Stable Baseline library to implement all those algorithms on different environments in OpenAI Gym, like Atari and others. 6- Finally, we explore the model-based family of RL methods, and importantly, differentiating model-based RL from planning, and exploring the whole spectrum of RL methods. Hopefully, you enjoy this course, and find it useful.
Machine Learning basics
Deep Learning basics
Programming and Problem solving basics
Python programming
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
Markov Decision Process (MDP)
MDP Solution Space
Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)
Advanced DRL
Model based RL
Define what is Reinforcement Learning?
Apply all what is learned using state-of-the art libraries like OpenAI Gym, StabeBaselines, Keras-RL and TensorFlow Agents
Define what are the applications domains and success stories of RL?
Define what are the difference between Reinforcement and Supervised Learning?
Define the main components of an RL problem setup?
Define what are the main ingredients of an RL agent and their taxonomy?
Define what is Markov Reward Process (MRP) and Markov Decision Process (MDP)?
Define the solution space of RL using MDP framework
Solve the RL problems using planning with Dynamic Programming algorithms, like Policy Evaluation, Policy Iteration and Value Iteration
Solve RL problems using model free algorithms like Monte-Carlo, TD learning, Q-learning and SARSA
Differentiate On-policy and Off-policy algorithms
Master Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms like Deep Q-Networks (DQN), and apply them to Large Scale RL
Master Policy Gradients algorithms and Actor-Critic (AC, A2C, A3C)
Master advanced DRL algorithms like DDPG, TRPO and PPO
Define what is model-based RL, and differentiate it from planning, and what are their main algorithms and applications?